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About Ask Arlene Show Host,
Arlene McLaren has reached a life pinnacle by releasing her #1 International Best Selling Book, 10 Secrets to Overcoming Fear & Getting Unstuck After COVID-19. In addition to becoming a bestselling author Arlene is a gifted speaker who often uses her life experiences to coach others to success as a Momentum Life & Business Coach and by creating media content that inspires others in her circle to want to succeed. She holds a Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree and Credits toward a Doctorate. Her aim is to deliver Education, Inspiration, and Greater Confidence and Growth. You are very busy and have done the ground work, now it is time to let us help you go to the next level. Overcome Fear, Gain Clarity and Greater Income. Change your mind and change your life. Are you ready to make a change in your life? Click Button to Sign-Up TODAY!

Ask Arlene TV
Ask Arlene Show & Arlene TV Show
LAUNCH DATE was June 1st, 2020!
The Arlene Mc Laren show is a lifestyle talk show designed to empower our communities with dynamic, powerful, interesting, and valuable content. Together, we endeavor to bring greater authenticity & joy to the world while transforming our lives through education in health & fitness, relationships, finance, business, and career. Our TV Show is broadcast on Thursdays on Channel 68 on Cablevision and Channel 34 on Optimum in Bronx, NYC area. The show is also streamed live over the internet. We Tape on Fridays at 3pm EST/ 12noon PST. Taping is conducted for 1 hour. After the broadcast is aired on TV we may stream via Facebook, and Instagram and post the interview on YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter and on our Ask Arlene Show website. Great information for our audiences and excellent exposure for you and your business. Definitely, a Win-Win situation for everyone!

Streamyard Format
The format is simple: I will introduce you and encourage you to share about your background, interests, and expertise. During that exchange, I may have you expound and/or highlight key informational points deemed invaluable to our listeners. We have television studio taping dates available on Fridays. We will tape for only 29minutes, hence first half hour will consist of coordination with studio personnel as taping is virtual ie. lighting, positioning, wifi connection etc... . Please click link and sign-up for available timeframe.

(Please provide for us a brief bio, which will assist with your introduction. Also, the one-hour exchange will be recorded for possible future usage and marketing. We ask you to please SUBSCRIBE and invite friends to subscribe to our YOUTUBE PAGE and join our MASTERMIND GROUP as people may have questions regarding your products and services. The Links are provided below:

Get Unstuck and Live Your Best Life!
The Theme of the Show is BREAKTHROUGH, Overcoming Fear, Getting Unstuck AND Living The Best Life! As is similar to my #1 Best Selling Book with the Same Title. Our listeners are Speakers, Teachers, Authors, Entrepreneurs and those who desire to move forward after experiencing life's challenges.

Please SUBSCRIBE: @ &
http://www.askarleneshow. com/
Click the Link and Schedule your Interview Today!
Let Us Help You Achieve Your Goals!


Juan May
"I am excited about learning to be a better Speaker. Arlene has helped me to communicate with confidence on my job."

Julie Mair
New Zealand
"Just wanted to say how grateful I was for your advice during Mastermind a few weeks ago."

Tina Walters
New York
"I am Overcoming Fear & Getting Unstuck in my speaking on a daily basis. As a result of her coaching I have earned an additional 50K!"